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Featured Artists At Trigg Ison Fine Art

When not sketching, McIntosh would wander the stacks of books at the public library, discovering and studying the Masters- in particular, Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Whistler. At a Gauguin exhibit at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco, Robert discovered a "whole new world of color" and the importance of designing the space in the eternal rectangle. "I envision a frame around everything I see," he admitted. "The artists' challenge is to put something meaningful, interesting of beautiful in that space."

Jessica Rice was born in Belgium and her first oils were painted in Central Africa, where as a young girl she was inspired by the angularity perceived in African art. In 1959 she moved to San Fancisco and continued painting oils after her graduation from San Francisco Academy of Art in 1964. The diverse style of early 20th century avant-garde movement, the primitive and lush primary colors reminiscent of her childhood with strong distinctive brush strokes she creates imaginative memories steeped in the traditions of three continents.

The paintings of Maurice Green portray a variety of kinetic environments within refracted plains of dimension. Organic forms become linier, while linear forms become subdivided gaining multiple perspective. The presentation of the paintings of Maurice Green is a joyful culmination of a reclusive artists lifetime work, we invite you to see and experience the world through the eyes of artist Maurice Green.

Robert enjoyed early success as an architectural illustrator while living in Chicago. Highlights of his work during this period included a direct comission from the Vatican in Rome to do paintings for an American church, which later resulted in an audience with the Pope at the Vatican in recognition of his work. In April 1959, Robert's illustrations were featured in Playboy Magazine's "Playboy's Weekend Hideaway", which was the single most succesful feature ever to appear in the magazine. Robert Branham led a long, varied and diverse career as an illustrator, consultant, and conceptual design artist for the motion picture industry.

Mr. Rehberger has received international acclaim for his pwerful and imaginative paintings and drawings of the human figure and the horse. He is equally known for his religious and apocalyptic themes. As a well-known teacher of art he stresses what he regards as the universal truths of form, movement and expression. His artistic philosophy is a passionate defense of his own drive to present Man as an integral part of Nature.

Ron Blumberg's early training at the Grande Academie Chaumiere in Paris, combined with his years at the National Academy of Design in New York during the early 1930's, allowed the expression of his artistic creativitiy to continually evolve. This is most evident in the distinctive stylistic changes that took place throughout his career as a fine artist. His sensitivity in expressing emotions through his paintings is consistent throughout individual periods that capture the genre and expresssions of the day.

Somewhere between Surrealism and Expressionism Le Gallo finds his main influences. The exploration of the subconscious mind, and the mysteries of dreams and the human psyche are the main themes within his work.

Before Russin was 25 he won two national sculpture competitions conducted by the Fine Arts Section of the U.S. Treasury Department and was commissioned to decorate two Post Office buildings.  Since then he has completed architectural sculpture commissions for both government and private projects. He has exhibited widely in museums and galleries throughout the United States and Europe and he has had one-man exhibits all over the US. He is listed in many publications and is a member of the Sculptors' Guild.

Burton Freund was an important American sculptor and illustrator, creating a body of figurative original art that spanned decades. His illustrations were prominently featured in virtually every American literary publication/magazine from, The New Yorker to The Saturday Review of Literature. The work of Burton Freund mirrored the history and culture of America through the great depression and into the modern world of the 1950's.

Jan Frans De Boever was a classical Belgian symbolist painter heavily influenced by the poetry and literature of the 16th and 17th century. Most of De Boever's paintings are of literary and allegorical/mythological subjects that reflect romantic imagery depicting the consistant universal struggle of good vs. evil. Many of these subjects are symbolically illustrated as beautiful art nouveau women (good), interacting with skeletons, demons or gargoyles (evil).

Jirayr Hamparzoom Zorthian was born April 14, 1911 in Kutahya, Turkey, of Armenian parents.  At the age of three, he showed considerable talent in drawing and painting.  His works are on record from that time on.

Igor Sazevich (1929-2022) was born in San Francisco, CA to well-known WPA-era sculptor Zygmund Sazevich and his wife Zenaida, both refugees from the Russian Revolution.

Born in St Petersburg, Russia, Eugene Ivanoff (1897-1954) was educated by tutors and at the Imperial School of Commerce where he began his art studies. 

Works of Art by Following Artists Also Found At Trigg Ison Fine Art Gallery
Ernest Procter
Ferdinand Pire
Francis de Erdely
Franz Bergmann
Friedman Hahn
Fritz Schwaderer
Georges Pierre Dutriac
Georgette London Owens
Hans Otto Orlowski
Helene Perdriat
Hugo Scheiber
James Hansen
James Lindsey McCreery
Jean Dominique VanCaulaert
Jean Jannel
Jean Lambeaux
Joseph Waidinger
Juliette Calame
Karel Von Belle
Leonard Nelson
Lodewijk Burckman
Maurice Becker
Merilee Heyer
Micoa Kono
Miette Brave
Pal Fried
Patricia Knop
Paul Alex Deschmaker
Paul Charlemagne
Peter Kransnow
Phillip Paval
R.H. Vaughn
Richard Geiger
Rolph Scarlett
Sacha Scarlett
Stan Repp
Stanislav Szukalski
Ted Gillen
Vladimir Ullianoff
William Glackens
William Robert Shulgold
Winold Reiss
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